Monday, November 17, 2014

Meograph Proposal

For this project, I plan to do a biography of Tom Wolf. This is newsworthy because he was just elected governor of Pennsylvania. The election took place about a week ago, so the coverage of this would be considered timely. A biography of his life works extremely well for this project because I can map out different places that are significant in his life. For example, I could map where he went to school, his hometown, and important places over his career. In order to get some more content about him, I plan to talk to faculty and students about their thoughts on him winning the election. Specifically, I would like to contact people who are involved in the political science department. I could also use links on the software to other pages like his website and inform viewers of more information. By using different photos of Tom Wolf, I can easily portray a specific message and deliver it in a clear way. I can also use graphs and percentages from the polls to show his success. Students and faculty voices on a college campus is a great way to show opinions on the topic. Overall, I believe that Tom Wolf’s life would be an extremely newsworthy event. 

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